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Find Your Curators

Teylers Museum by koopmanrob There’s a lot of information flying around these days. It’s impossible to take it all in. On blogs alone, there’s 2 million new blog posts every day. We can’t possibly do something… Read More »Find Your Curators


Photo by tpsdave Overwhelm happens to the best of us. In this hyper-connected world these days, there’s so much going on. There’s so much information coming in and we know, to the second, what every… Read More »Chunking

Where todo lists fail

Photo by jarmoluk The problem: There are tons of things on your to do list. You’ve written them all down. They are categorized beautifully, have clear descriptions and use verbs to describe what you need… Read More »Where todo lists fail

Trello Tips

Trello by Gustavo da Cunha Pimenta I use Trello a lot for managing tasks for work and personal projects and just little things I need to keep track of at home. These are some of… Read More »Trello Tips

Becoming Aware

Photo by FrankWinkler During meditation, beginners are often taught to be aware of their thoughts. To watch them arise, follow their course, and then fall away again. It’s a very tough practice to get into… Read More »Becoming Aware